FULL30 Beta Roll out

Wish I had access to the server I’d swing a hammer until something gave :grin:

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If it moves and it’s NOT supposed to, used Duct Tape

If it doesn’t move and IT IS supposed to, use WD-40

When all else fails, use a hammer!! A BIG ONE!!!


as of now the TRP op RT is number one (the reuploaded one)
it is also number one in subscription and doesn’t show any duplication)
and no lower duplication that I can see,


Well, funny how this happens, the Re-Upload, now has more views than the one I uploaded earlier, who ended up in 40th Place!! And, the original was uploaded about the same time as the one that was First on Friday, but today, this one was 40th!! It is so inconsistent that I can’t figure heads or tails!! Until this issue gets fixed, we will upload whenever we have time after we release on YouTube. We used to release the same day, but lately we have to re upload anyway if we want any views at all.

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I don’t see the Video as Number one, not at all!!

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Great idea friend, roll with it, we don’t compete, no need, we want to help, right now this is it.

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@Robert, normally, I get more views and more effective views here, better engagement and better communications, for the most part, keep us posted, we will upload at the first opportunity we have after Embargos are lifted or our Videos are out.

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This is my new Videos, just did this Screen Shot right now!!!

Goes to show you the System inconsistencies!!


bad pic
wonder if you are looking at the previous TRP release and not 473?
PS scroll up

That is what I see when I hit New I can’t scroll up any higher, that is the top for me

Let me do it again!!

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This is it, I refreshed over and over again!! I can’t scroll any higher!!

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there are 16 videos on top - what I find strange is the duplicate of the bottom row matching the top?

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I wonder if you are just refreshing a cached page and that is why you are only seeing what you are seeing.
My suggestion is to close all your active viewing and reopen them.


This one is from Chrome, I have never used Chrome

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And as you can see, I’m not even logged in this one!!

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This one is from Firefox logged in as Gun Stock Reviews

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Good god would you get this fixed he is going to have a stroke!


Our new Video on Reloading, which was uploaded today and released today is doing GREAT!!

This is how it’s supposed to be!!


I’ve uploaded three videos including a scheduled one in the past two days. All are placed on the list where they belong.