Full30 Early Release! Radians R3200 Ear Pro

I wanted to do something special over here on Full30, so here is the link to an unlisted video that will drop publicly tomorrow. Currently only Full30 members and Patreon patrons have access. Enjoy!


Boy, I like your video and will be to your store for purchase of the Radians and other stuff, thanks @CloverTac

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not sure i have the Radians in the Amazon store or not… either way, if you like anything I have in a video by all means don’t worry about buying through my links, find the best price first, if it is through a link, great but i don’t want you to overpay.

Thanks for your response, due to the time please permit me to contact you in the morning and conduct the purchase of the ear protection. Also, I may find more to add. Again, thanks. Merlin7

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not sure what you are talking about because i don’t sell anything myself, i am a content creator

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I apologize for any misunderstanding, I should have done some homework. :thinking:

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