Interesting tidbit (or two) regarding McCloseky’s

could be, but you can’t pick and choose who can exercise rights, once you do you are no better than they are…I hold more disdain for doctors than lawyers since they are responsible for so many deaths every year…lawyers are a close second, but our current legal system has allowed lawyers like them to do what they do, I don’t like it either, I don’t know you personally either, but I would have done the same for you. Would they have done the same for there neighbors ? probably not, but they would have to live with it.


I know what I’m saying is easily misunderstood, hence not popular. But…

This is NOT about 2A rights, it’s all about The McCloskey’s. :roll_eyes:

You gents should seriously look into starting a GoFundMe on their behalf.


And I have said numerous times why does it matter who they are, You would never know who they are if they did not exercise the 2nd. don’t see how who they are matters, they were not charged with being asshole lawyers, they were charged with using guns to protect property and possibly life against law breakers, rest of it does not matter to me.


I’ll be donating heavily considering i just bought your credit card info off the dark web. :stuck_out_tongue:


Another interesting bit about the McCloskeys, though with a grain of salt. It seems they have been getting slowly red-pilled since at least the 2016 elections.


Yes, they should have the same 2nd Amendment freedom as anyone else. Yes, maybe they’re scumbags, that doesn’t change their rights.

But if the left is trying to destroy one of their own and they fight back and destroy a leftist DA (tampered with evidence)? I find that sweet. I don’t think we’ll ever know all of the truth though. Of course I don’t know either and what I wrote is just speculation.


2A rights shall not be infringed! :+1:
Propping up the McCloskey’s to advance the cause. :-1:

Do tell what on Earth leads you to believe I need credit? Carry on. :spook:


See that’s why you scare me the cryptic response that is either harmless or terrifying and I can’t figure out which it is. :worried:


Hence the adage: Be polite to everyone but have a plan to kill them.


Da fuk???:alien:



giphy (31)


So would you run out to help a member of ISIS in the same situation?


In law, each crime must be dealt with separately. So the ISIS member wouldn’t be liable if they did what the McCloskeys did. But they would be liable for whatever murder and treason they did as ISIS.

Deuteronomy 1:17
You shall not favor persons in judgment; [rather] you shall hear the small just as the great; you shall not fear any man, for the judgment is the L.rd’s[…].


  • You shall hear the small just as the great: A case regarding a perutah [small coin] should be as important to you as [a case] regarding a hundred maneh [a large sum], so that if it [the former] is presented before you first, do not postpone it for last (San. 8a). Another explanation of “You shall hear the words of the small as you do those of the great,” as per the Targum [The words of the small you shall hear like the words of the great]: You shall not say: “This is a poor man, and his friend [opponent] is rich, and it is a mitzvah to support him [the poor man]. I will favor the poor man, and he will thus be supported respectably.” Another explanation: You shall not say,“How can I affront the honor of this rich man because of one dinar? I will favor him now and when he goes outside [leaves the court] I will tell him, 'Give it to him [to the poor man], for you really owe it to him!’” (Sifrei)
  • You shall not fear any man: Heb. לֹא תָגוּרוּ, meaning you shall not fear. Another explanation: You shall not gather in [stifle] your words because of any man. As in (Prov. 10:5),“It gathers (אוֹגֵר) in summer.” (See Sifrei.)

Deuteronomy 16
19 You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show favoritism, and you shall not take a bribe, for bribery blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts just words. 20 Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live and possess the land the L.rd, your G.d, is giving you.


In other words, it doesn’t matter if the person on the stand is rich or poor, saint or sinner. They are equal under the law. When they come to court, we even have to dress them respectably, so that there is no prejudice.

And if the facts of the case tend to a particular verdict, we have to rule accordingly, even if we happen this time to exonerate a known scumbag, or rule against an honorable person.

If all courts do not work like this, then how should they work?


Was just reading that yesterday also, so the Torah is what to Jews, law book?

And is just the five books of Moses, what other books in my KJV do Jews observe?


Why not? They do shit like this all the time, would people go help them in the same way?

These democrats are one in the same as Isis just less religous and more political, fuck them all and let them burn.


The Torah is about telling us what G.d wants us to do. It is said that if the Jews did not sin, we would only have needed the five books of Moses, which contains all 613 commandments, and the beginning of Joshua, which describes the borders of ancient Israel, so we would know where to observe certain agricultural commandments related to the land.

There have been thousands of prophets in Jewish history, but only a few prophesied to the whole people with messages that would be important in all generations. These alone comprise the 24 books of the Tanach - Torah (which in this limited sense means the five books of Moses), Nevi’im (Prophets), Kesuvim (Writings). In a general sense, Torah is a synonym for Tanach, and in the most general sense, Torah comprises the entire body of knowledge about our relationship with G.d. The word means “instruction.”

Here’s a list: Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia


What we mean by “Torah” depends on context.

  • When we say “the sefer (book of) Torah,” we mean the five books of Moses, which are usually written or printed as a single volume.
  • If we say something is “written in Torah,” we mean something is in the Written Torah, as opposed to the Oral Torah. In other words, Tanach.
  • When we say “Torah study,” we mean “Torah” in the most general sense, all Jewish knowledge.

By “Torah study” we almost never mean a simple reading of the bare verses, although that also is a mitzvah. Torah study to us means going deeper, weighing laws, principles and verses against each other and figuring out what the unifying principle is. This necessarily involves the Oral Tradition, which explains the hidden implications and etymology of words in Scripture, and the cultural context of the verses. That in turn means studying how earlier generations of scholars understood them, and what they learned from their teachers, going in a chain back to Sinai.


If you are going to punish someone, punish them for something that’s actually a crime. Don’t just make stuff up. That’s what tyrants do.


What is made up? I said if that was Isis out there doing that would people still be backing them up?

Kissing the democrats asses is also something tyrants in our country do. Not holding them to thier own standards to learn the errors of thier ways is also something tyrants do.

My question stands if that was isis doing the gun waving would people still back them up?