Jeff Knox - Firearms Coalition - GRPC 2019


After the Immoral Transvestite video, then the Ethnically devisive video, im afraid to click on this one…


you do it, and let us know


remember, this event spanned 3 days with around 1,000 attendees and nearly 100 speakers. i didn’t agree with many of them myself, my job was to get the event out, not cherry pick, but some of the stuff is sure to resonate with you in a good way. i did record the entire thing (along with going live several times) so there is lots to come over the next few days and maybe even weeks. good grief, i haven’t even finished transferring all the video to my pc yet.


I was going to go when it was in Tampa, ended up working and kept up on the live streams then.

Had no interest this year, sorry :wink:

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I just couldn’t back or be a part of something that associated with or condoned such freakish or devisive behavior. I’ve got to stand by my principles & morals. it’s not a normal or acceptable lifestyle, regardless of how hard they try to ram it down peoples throats as being mainstream or “the norm”.


You know @Caw will be very let down by this

did you watch the video above yet?


in orlando next year. this was my first year and gotta say it was an amazing experience to energize you for the 2a fight


No, I’m still scared! What if its about a West Virginia farmers beastiality gun rights organization that just adopted a dozen chihuahuas? How could I possibly unsee that? If you can promise me it’s not based on any of the above, I will click on it


Your fortunate to have that zeal

well… would BBQ still scare you?


BBQ chihuahuas? With or without sriracha?

i can promise you that is not the case here but for future videos cannot guarantee i will not post something else that you don’t agree with eventually. i am simply sharing what went on and i can’t read hearts or minds. not that it would matter if i could, everything from this conference needs to be out there and people can make up their minds from there… no censorship, no cherry picking.


So by that logic, you would stand side-by-side holding hands with the modern-day Hitler or Stalin and Overlook the fact of the Mass murder of millions if the had a pro gun endorsement?

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covering this event was neutral and people can take from it what they wish.

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The 2nd Amendment is for ALL citizens of the U.S. That said, I certainly don’t agree with people slapping their sexual banner on everything they are involved in nor that every ethnicity should constantly self-segregate. The hypocrisy and double standard alone infuriates me, but that’s a topic of discussion for a different day.
I wasn’t aware of the Hispanic Americans Rifle Assoc. and I thought Pink Pistols was a woman’s group, but personally I think these organizations need to be more well known.

Heck, I say lets roll with this divisiveness and create more separatist pro-gun organizations like this so that the gun grabbing socialist party can see that the people they claim to represent and protect are the very people they are stripping of their firearms and liberties. Gun owners have been portrayed as being villainous white rednecks, maybe minorities will win support and have better luck.


the HARA is quite new, pink pistols been around since the early 2000s and it a great example of how a much larger and inclusive organizaton should probably be, very grass roots, not really a head to it. now operation blazing sword, a sister organization to pink pistols, it is a little more structure but really only deals with training.

i hear people ask a lot what organization they should support and my answer is like jeff says here, you can’t just pay at the office now days. but also, we need MANY organizations as you point out, attacking, depending, fighting, etc from all angles be it society, the courts, city councils, state legislatures, etc.

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I had never heard of Operation Blazing Sword either. Looking into them now. I am considering joining these organizations or helping support them if I can. I noticed this brief filed by Pink Pistols…this is part of the Conclusion.

Amicus Pink Pistols files this brief to dispel the misguided assumption that the right to bear arms is an atavistic constitutional curiosity, of interest only to gap-toothed, tobacco-chewing rednecks who have a firearms fetish or to camouflage-wearing survivalists and militia-wannabes who exhibit an adolescent fascination with firepower. The right to bear arms is not about “boys and their toys.” Those caricatures are not the face of the Second Amendment.

When I first came to full30 I wrote something about the impression of the firearms community (from an outsiders point of view) that sounded similar to this.

full writ here

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