Militia in New Mexico Detains Asylum Seekers at Gunpoint


Why don’t these so called Militias team up with LE instead of going it on their own?
Seems like there should be a way to coordinate with LE in some sort of a neighborhood watch type agreement.
But again I am sure some liberal lawyers and ACLU types would come unglued over that too.
We have a situation on the border with manning and rules of engagement that needs to be addressed by Congress.
But God forbid they address the real issues.
That would impede their efforts to disarm the public and crucify Trump.
There just isn’t enough time in the day to do both.


They probably dont have confidence in LE. Most LE cant do anything, just look at here in Oregon. We are close to having laws that forbid cops from helping ICE with illegals.


I don’t think LE would be willing to openly coordinate with a militia. The Governor, AG and even Border Patrol “say” they don’t condone this stuff. But I’ll bet BP at least had a few thank you’s to these guys. No one arrested nor told to stand down. I say good on them.


The demon rats already passed that law in NJ
PD can’t help ICE
Middlesex Co NJ = demon crap crooks. PD won’t even go in some areas w/o 3 cars.


Great times we live in


because most law enforcement do not want anyone but themselves armed! they like to be the only game in town!


Perfect example of citizenry done right!!!


so if they were more than just a rabble with guns and “legal” why didn’t they get the required permit? Or is it just easier to claim that feds were preventing them from being organized?

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The feds are rabble with guns half the time.


why should they need a permit to be out and about? We should not need nor comply with needing a permit to wipe our asses! Too much government overreach!


because a a organized group of more than twenty (or 25 without going back to watch) requires a permit to assemble on federal land - no where was it mentioned that it was because they were “a militia” or had guns.
I think if you look into this also applied to other organized groups like LEO and real soldiers assembling.
And yes Government over reach is a pain.


I just despise government attempt to control! They try to demand you get a permit for this, permit for that, ask permission to do anything! pretty soon their going to demand permits to be allowed to breath or breed. I refuse to agree or comply with b******* government overreach for any aspect. It may cost me (dearly) one day, until then at least I lived a free man



Are you sure you have legal permission to talk here? Hmmm, maybe we all had better check our permission slips? LOL

I agree, the government is well practised at overreach, but sometimes complying can be just figuring the best way around their attempts at control (without getting into trouble with the law). These men could have broke into 2 groups and been fine as far as I can tell. They could have covered more ground that way, too. And, how many illegals would argue with 12 armed men? Probably none, is my guess.


Depends how many homies they have with them



Maybe, if you are talking hundreds, or even thousands.

This is where they need to get on the phone or radio and call for backup - especially from border patrol.

Of course, they also may face some of the biggest decisions of their lives if the illegals decide to test them. Do these militia men really want to risk killing people to protect the border? Not sure what happens to them if it does turn violent, but I am hoping they have had some good legal counsel before going out like they did.


WE are not allowed to protect our own borders from foreign invaders . WE are not allowed to go into some parts of our own nation because of
Sharia Law (look at Minnesota) .
WE are no longer allowed to freely assemble without a permit and even then only in fenced off approved zones .
WE are no longer allowed to … :sob:

Soooooooo who is it that WE need to ask just what is it WE are allowed to do anymore ???


Things are reaching the breaking point. It’s not time to bury caches of guns as some may think, it’s time to get them lubed and loaded!