My daughter surprised me

We were having dinner, discussing our day, and she proceeded to complain about not getting her nap after school. Why not? I asked. She said, well mom left to go run errands, the dog started whining so I went downstairs to get him and noticed she left the front door unlocked. When I went back upstairs, I heard a noise downstairs. I thought someone was in the house so I grabbed my 45 and went back downstairs to see what it was…
I was so proud, I don’t remember the rest of that story. Lol


See. That’s what happens when you raise ‘em right. You’ve a right to be proud.



story sounds like something out of the NRA magazine, except the last part about not remembering…

It almost sounds like the rest of the story can’t be politely told. Hmmm.


What are you getting at John?



The first part (re: the NRA reference), just stating my opinion as I have read many of their gun defense stories (which, by the way, gives your story a lot of credibility).

The rest - trying to figure out why you said you could not remember the rest of the story. Ok, I wasn’t there, but once someone feels there may be a threat, enough so to arm themselves, then it just seems to me that what follows would be relatively easy to remember. So, I figured you were just being polite regarding the rest of the story - not to scare or offend anyone here, or that the end results were inconsequential.

Either way, it is your story, so tell what you choose to, and don’t worry about the rest. And I agree, you should be proud of your daughter from what you have told us.

Thanks for sharing.


Lol, you overthink. The rest of the story is uneventful. That is, unless you want to discuss possible haunting. There’s always been loud strange noises in my house. Rule of thumb is, if the dog is being weird, grab a gun and investigate. If he doesn’t respond at all, probably a ghost. Hahaha



Interesting! I get strange noises in my house (which otherwise, is extremely quiet). Can’t even count the number of times I have armed myself and done a thorough search of my house at night, only to find nothing unusual.

And regarding ghosts, I sometimes think I have ghostly visitors in my house - can’t explain the noises I hear sometimes any other way.


simple rule of thumb - always bring a gun to a ghost fight…



I suppose I always do, but frankly, I would not expect firing a gun at a ghost would do anything to it at all.

Maybe I should add another type of weapon, just in case?


:+1: it sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders. Was the .45 that purty Sig 1911 you gave awhile back?


I usually grab my pistol but around certain holidays or events I keep my AR with hollow points close by. Casper would become more holy then the pope if he decided he wanted to come get some.


Yes it was. Loaded with Federal HSTs.


Mine just make noise. I’m pretty sure one threw a dime at me the other day. But that’s a story for a different thread.