Repost from Tom Gresham- Seven Things to Know About Gun-Banners

Tom Gresham wrote this yesterday. I like it…a lot.

The money quote-
"Enough of “Well, I don’t like politics.” Grow the hell up. Politics is just the mechanism for getting things done. Sitting on your rear means you want to force someone else to do the work. That’s selfish. We are better than that. Simply being an NRA member, or a member of any gun rights group isn’t nearly enough. Each of us must do the work. I guarantee you this. If we can get even 10 percent of gun owners seriously engaged we will win practically every fight. But if you have not traveled to your state legislature to show your support, you are sitting in the wagon, forcing other gun owners to pull your weight.

"What really gets me are gun owners who do little or nothing, but are quick to complain about the gun banners, or politicians, or the loss of gun rights.

“Get engaged on a big level, or shut up.”


Good article, but I wish it could give more detail on how to do these things. For example, he advises to “speak up.” But to whom? Representatives? And in what way? By letter or email? I already do that. He also advises to travel to the state capitol. Ok, but then what do I do? The Speaker won’t see me or want to talk to me so he’ll put legislation up for a vote. He’s busy being lobbied by big corporate oil interests on completely different matters. How can some “2A nut” (as I’m sure I’ll be labeled) get in to see someone of importance like that?

Another suggestion is to “organize.” How do I go about doing that? I’m not a community organizer, so I don’t know the ins and outs of that process. Go door to door or hand out leaflets at the local gun range, assuming the range owner will allow it? And if I manage to get a handful of interested folks, then what do we do? Jointly sign a letter and send it to the Governor?

I get his point, and it’s very well received. I suppose my questions could be researched by myself in time, but I hear these suggestions a lot with no real detail on exactly how to do these things with good effect. If he or anyone else has done these things, it would help if they could provide some step-by-step instruction or outline for novice dummies like me. All in all, though, I do agree with his message that we need to be more involved.


This is just my opinion, so take it for what it’s worth.

Start with finding out if your state has a state 2nd amendment advocacy group. Check them out. Politicians pay more attention to groups, than to individuals. That group should have some idea of when letters, emails, and phone calls need to be made, and when a group of people need to show up at the capitol.

Also, your state representative should have some time set aside for things like town hall meetings, or to be available at a local office for people to talk to them (might require making an appointment). Occasio-Cortez has apparently been taking some heat for not doing this (people in her district could not get in touch with her), because it’s part of a politician’s job. You can find out what legislation could be making it’s way through the system, read it, then go to their office and talk to them about it. If they won’t make time for you, or their views completely contradict your views, remember that when the next election rolls around.

But dealing with the legislative system is only part of the problem. Public opinion is important, because politicians also listen to poll results. The Million Mom March was quick to see that the internet had potential, and had their local chapters set up websites to help network with members and draw people into their group. They also realized that the other side could use the internet against them, and pressured their members to avoid contact with ‘gun neandertals’, because of how dangerously violent those gun loving, knuckle dragging, inbred, gun lovers are.

Now, there are social media platforms that are easier to join, but the left still holds fast to their “don’t talk to them, they are too dangerous and too stupid to listen to” mantra, because they don’t want their followers to hear information that has not been filtered by them. You are unlikely to change the beliefs of hard core leftists by engaging them on social media, but some segment of their followers is likely to be people who have only heard part of the story and are giving their support based on limited (and probably even false) information. It is those followers who can have their minds changed, when they see both sides of the issue presented. Change enough of those minds, and the politicians will start seeing poll results telling them that supporting gun control is not something that will help get them votes at the next election.


It’s not hard to figure that out.
Start with letters to editor to your local newspaper, every time you read anti-gun BS there.
It isn’t always necessary to actually go to political meetings.
Writing letters works pretty well, too.
It’s not hard to let your representatives know how bad their decisions usually are.