Sign a Petition to Repeal the NFA

IV8888 did a video on the petition, but yeah it would be awesome if the other big gun channels would post too. Yesterday morning I checked the ticker, and there was 36,000 and change. This morning there was 67,000 and change, and it’s still going up.

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You’re right, he did - but clearly there wasn’t a big enough spike and Iraqverteran8888 has 1.3 million subscribers. Their channel and voice alone should have had this taken care of. No blame on them, just saying.

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As of this morning (2/10) it’s at over 88,000!

We can do it. We only need 12,000 more in the next nine days.

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I swear, this is awesome stuff to see:

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As of 08:00, 2-11-17, we need 0 signatures!


I’m thinking some people who own SBRs, silencers etc, don’t want this to happen, cause then they would not get to feel special anymore.
I don’t understand the SBR thing anyway. If your going to do something bad, you could do it with a pistol, which is much more concealable.

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Who says we have to stop at 100,000? Let’s keep going and move this up towards the top of the petition list. Great job, everyone.


Exactly! Keep going up, the more names we get, the better our chances.


There is a petition up to repeal the Hughes Amendment now as well:

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So now what? We hit the required number of signatures (actually got 255,483). Does the White House make an official statement? Does the petition’s author get a reply? Anyone know?

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I believe that the White House Staff now has the petition on their desks, and they will respond within 60 days. The response should be a blanket email to all signed. Depending on how important it is to POTUS’s agenda, it may go to the White House COS.

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It’s also just one step in the process. From there he would have to put together some sort of plan and policy for approaching Congress on the matter. This is assuming he supports the petition. The previous administration had a couple such petitions that met the criteria for a response but being that it was against their agenda and policy, they basically send out emails saying thanks for the contact but we aren’t going to do squat about it.

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But now we have an admin who supports pro-2A agendas, such as National Carry Reciprocity and the HPA. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that POTUS would support according legislation. I agree, the next step is to have said legislation introduced in Congress.

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I’m on an American Revolution history spree. Just for kicks:
The Battles of Lexington and Concord had ~4k minutemen with a total 13-colony population of 2500k. So 0.16% of the people were shooting at British at the beginning because of TAXES. Taxation without representation doesn’t begin to describe what we live in.

For this petition, ~260k signatures with a national population of ~320000k. That’s 0.08% of the United States.

We got half of the percentage of people to sign a 3-minute online petition, to attempt a start at addressing getting our rights back, over 30 days. And all this is after 8 years of Obama and the “Progressives” doing more damage (I’d say more than 100 years) to us than the British did to the colonies. Obama and the Clintons have killed people too, along with dehumanizing the Right.

There’s no comparison. We’re are weak-willed nation now, or what ever is left of it. We will never get our rights back.

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Had a meeting with my Congressman, Ron DeSantis of Florida’s 6th district, about him introducing NFA repeal on the 9th (protip: Ignore the DC office, meet the local office people in person. Asking in the Congressman in person at a town hall is even better.). He said he couldn’t make any guarantees but he wanted see the judiciary committee to do something on guns. Now is the time to call, especially if you are in Florida’s 6th district.

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got love necro posts but…

Jan 2017, wow, any record of how many signed @Guerrero ?

Or can anyone find them, the link doesn’t show any that I see.