voices from across the pond

Nothing except a small oath of allegiance, that’s all.

The prime minister and his cabinet swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen of England, “her heirs and successors,” and not the people of Canada who elected them.

I, … do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.”

After the last administration… who can say


Not really, and as I said the crown has more influence in Canada. Robert posted some of what I was talking about. Check trends and laws, your politicians actually do use the U.K. as some type of figure head whether its official or not. And as far as we go thats laughable, we are founded off pissing in the crowns cheerios. We are/were a constitutional republic that was founded on the corpses of dead Brits. Anything similar is merely coincidence instead of traditional or influenced from the crown like you guys. The very foundation of both our countries shows the attitude towards the crown, we betrayed them and threw them out while you guys asked permission to be an independent country. Theres no bad blood between Canada and the crown and there is alot of bad blood between America and the Brits.


I can’t speak for the governments US vs UK but here in Florida on a personal level we love each other.